Fear of the Unknown: Understanding and Overcoming the Unknown To Help With Riding Fear Are you afraid of the unknown?In this new video, we’ll uncover the hidden truths behind learned fears, and show you how to take control of your own life. Take the first step...
Masterclass| Increase Your Confidence On Horseback With Rewritten Subconscious Beliefs Take your riding skills to the next level with this empowering Masterclass! Learn how to increase your confidence on horseback by rewriting subconscious beliefs so you can have the...
HOW TO GET YOUR RIDING CONFIDENCE BACK| Helping our subscriber overcome fear after a broken pelvis Struggling with fear or lack of confidence in your riding? Watch this! In today’s episode, Alicia talks with one of our subscribers Ash about how she went from...
THE TRUE COST OF FEAR | Stop Letting Fear Take the Joy From Your Riding The true cost of fear. Having fear in our riding robs us of joy, love, fun and confidence we could be experiencing every day! Watch this video to learn how Tash managed her fear when she had a...
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“I am telling you this is the best money I have spent on training how to ride in comparison to all the other money I have spent. The confidence that you have given me in your informative and uplifting way of teaching what you do is AMAZING. I am a different rider.”